Saturday, June 28, 2008

Just like a star across my sky

Just like an angel off the page

You have appeared to my life

Feel like I'll never be the same

Just like a song in my heart

Just like oil on my hands

Oh, I do love you

Still I wonder why it is

I don't argue like this

With anyone but you

We do it all the time

Blowing out my mind

You've got this look I can't describe

You make me feel like I'm alive

When everything else is a fade

Without a doubt you're on my side

Heaven has been away too long

Can't find the words to write this song

Oh, your love

Still I wonder why it is

I don't argue like this

With anyone but you

We do it all the time

Blowing out my mind

I have come to understand

The way it is, it's not a secret anymore

'Cause we've been through that before

From tonight I know that you're the only one

I've been confused and in the dark, now I understand

I wonder why it is

I don't argue like this

With anyone but you

I wonder why it is

I won't let my guard down

For anyone but you

We do it all the time

Blowing out my mind

Just like a star across my sky

Just like an angel off the page

You have appeared to my life

Feel like I'll never be the same

Just like a song in my heart

Just like oil on my hands

Friday, June 27, 2008


Wednesday, June 18, 2008









苏 辙原诗的基调是怀旧,因为他十九岁时曾被任命为渑池县的主簿(由于考中进士,未到任),嘉佑元年和兄轼随父同往京城应试,又经过这里,有访僧留题之事。所 以在诗里写道:“曾为县吏民知否?旧宿僧房壁共题。”他觉得,这些经历真是充满了偶然。如果说与渑池没有缘份,为何总是与它发生关联?如果说与渑池有缘 份,为何又无法驻足时间稍长些?这就是苏辙诗中的感慨。而由这些感慨,苏轼更进一步对人生发表了一段议论。这就是诗的前四句。在苏轼看来,不仅具体的生活 行无定踪,整个人生也充满了不可知,就像鸿雁在飞行过程中,偶一驻足雪上,留下印迹,而鸿飞雪化,一切又都不复存在。那么,在冥冥中到底有没有一种力量在 支配着这种行为呢?如果说,人生是由无数个坐标点所组成的,那么,这些坐标点有没有规律可循?青年苏轼对人生发出了这样的疑问和感喟。但是,人生有着不可 知性,并不意味着人生是肓目的;过去的东西虽已消逝,但并不意味着它不曾存在。就拿崤山道上,骑着蹇驴,在艰难崎岖的山路上颠簸的经历来说,岂不就是一种 历练,一种经验,一种人生的财富?所以,人生虽然无常,但不应该放弃努力;事物虽多具有偶然性,但不应该放弃对必然性的寻求。事实上,若不经过一番艰难困 苦,又怎能考取进士,实现抱负呢?这就是苏轼:既深究人生底蕴,又充满乐观向上,他的整个人生观在此得到了缩微的展示。

这首诗的理趣主要 体现在前四句上,“雪泥鸿爪”也作为一个成语被后世广泛传诵。但从写作手法上来看,也颇有特色。纪昀曾评道:“前四句单行入律,唐人旧格;而意境恣逸,则 东坡之本色。”所谓“唐人旧格”,大致上指崔颢《黄鹤楼》:“昔人已乘黄鹤去,此地空余黄鹤楼。黄鹤一去不复返,白云千载空悠悠。……”作为七律,三、四 两句本该对仗,此却一意直下,不作讲求。苏轼的“泥上”二句,也可算是对仗,但其文意承上直说,本身也带有承接关系,所以是 “单行入律”。“意境恣逸”的意思,就是不仅字面上飘逸,行文中有气势,而且内涵丰富,耐人寻味,不求工而自工。这正是苏轼的“本色”。


【简 析】这首诗是写诗人对往事的眷念。用“雪泥鸿爪”来比喻人无意中留下的踪迹,就如飞鸿在雪地上踏出爪印一样。如老僧新塔,坏壁旧题,都是泥上爪印而已,感 叹人生无定,但是往日的坎坷遭遇,仍然留在人们记忆中,心上的爪痕是难以磨灭的。全诗比喻新奇,属对工巧,写出了对生活的无限深情。
〔析赏〕有一 次苏轼和其弟苏辙(子由)路经池渑,路上马死了,两人骑着蹇驴到渑池一僧寺寄宿,并在寺壁上题诗。后来子由写了一首《渑池怀旧》的诗。东坡旧地重游,当初 接待全心全意的老僧却已死,寺里替老僧盖了一座新塔,当年东坡兄弟题诗的庙壁也坏啦!再也见不到旧日的题诗啦,东坡百感交集而作此诗,感慨人生在世如飞 鸿。

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


呼叫跳轉返回(call jump return),


#pragma code _INTERRUPT_VECTORH = 0x003300
#pragma interrupt InterruptVectorH
void InterruptVectorH(void)
if (INTCONbits.INT0IF==1)
else if (INTCONbits.RBIF==1)
PIR1bits.RCIF=0;------------->this line is L1
PIE1bits.RCIE=0;------------->this line is L2
else if(PIR1bits.RCIF)
USART_Status = 0;
USART_Status = 0;
USART_Status |= 1;
USART_Status|= 2;
USART_Status|= 4;
if (TXSTAbits.TX9)
TXSTAbits.TX9D = 0;
Received_DATA = RCREG;
TXREG = Received_DATA;
case 'T': Tx(0x0D);
TXREG = USART_Status+0x30;
while (!TXSTAbits.TRMT);
while (!TXSTAbits.TRMT);

#pragma code

PORTB.RB4 is tied to RX.
Two instruction is executed before _asm SLEEP _endasm
fight with it for a long time till realize that L1 and L2 is necessary to wake up by serial port.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

"The Call" Regina Spektor

The Chronicles of NARNIA : Prince Caspian

It started out as a feeling which then grew into a hope
which then turned into a quiet thought
which then turned into a quiet word
and then that word grew louder and louder 'till it was a battle cry
I'll come back when you call me
No need to say Goodbye.
Just because every thing's changing
doesn't mean it's never been this way before
All you can do is try to know who your friends are as you head off to the war
Pick a Star on the dark horizon and follow the light..
You'll come back when it's over
No need to say Goodbye.
You'll come back when it's over
No need to say Goodbye.

Now we're back to the beginning
It's just a feeling and no one knows yet.
But just because they can't feel it too
Doesn't mean that you have to forget.
Let your memories grow stronger and stronger 'til they're before your eyes.
You'll come back when they call you
No need to say Goodbye.
You'll come back when they call you
No need to say Goodbye.

Monday, June 9, 2008


A cache line can be in one of three states: invalid, clean or dirty. Invalid means that the cache line has no useful data, and no memory operation will hit it. Clean means that the cache line contains an up-to-date copy of a piece of main memory. Dirty means that the cache line has been written to, and main memory is out of date.

In the Intel world, the CPU performs something called "cache snooping". This means that a dedicated piece of hardware looks at all memory operations to main memory, and checks to see if the CPU's cache has a more up-to-date version of the memory. It also looks at memory writes, and makes sure that the CPU's cache has the most up to date version of the data.

Roy 23才の生徒手帳

Saturday, June 7, 2008

If a jack is plugged in and the THING is turned on, things become interesting:

  • As soon as the THING is turned on, voltage on pin 5 drops from +2.5V to 0V for about 0.5 seconds => this provides any external device plugged onto the remote port with a cold reset, as was previously identified
  • After this reset phase, +2.5V is turned back on but it is only maintained if the remote device replies to a specific query within 5 secs.
  • If no proper reply came from the external device within 5 secs, external voltage is turned off, until the THING itself is powered off in

Pin Wire color Function
1 Brown ? Shield ? (GND) - (unused by standard Remote/Headphones)
2 Blue Digital ground (GND)
3 Orange TXD
4 Green Sense? (+2.5V, seems to be controlled by THING) - (unused by standard Remote/Headphones)
5 Yellow +2.5V (0V when Plug isnt inserted) *1
6 Grey RXD
Tip Pink Left audio (plus 600mv DC BIAS)
Ring Red Right audio
Sleeve Black Audio ground (GND)